Former Highland Park Baptist Church Sells 2 More Of Its Properties

  • Wednesday, June 12, 2013
  • Ruth Robinson

"Today, I made a big announcement for our church," said Dr. Jeremy Roberts, pastor of Church of the Highlands in Harrison. "We have sold two more buildings (Asbury Office and Chapel) at our former location to Redemption Point Church for $900,000. 

"We have already closed on this sale. After closing costs, realtor fees, and attorney fees, we pocketed $827,000. This money is now set aside to eventually be spent on building our new worship center atop our property."

Church of the Highlands is the former Highland Park Baptist Church.

The church has now sold seven of the eight buildings it owned in Highland Park for a total of $4.25 million. 

It is now debt free, building its Dream Center in cash, and will eventually build a Worship Center. The one building that remains downtown is the Early Learning Center daycare property on Willow Avenue.

"God is so good, and His grace always sustains us," Dr. Roberts said. "May the Lord be glorified as we seek to reach our community, America, and the world for Jesus Christ."

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