Corker, Alexander Praise Passage Of Online Sales Tax Bill

  • Monday, May 6, 2013
Senator Bob Corker, R-Tenn., made the following statement today after voting for final passage of S. 743, The Marketplace Fairness Act of 2013.

“I applaud the Senate for passing this states’ rights bill that will give states like Tennessee the flexibility to collect the revenues that are due under current law if they choose,” said Senator Corker.

“I think most Tennesseans would agree that we are fortunate not to have a state income tax, and to ensure that remains the case, it’s important our sales tax system works.

Today’s vote is a step in the right direction in making sure local brick-and-mortar businesses and online retailers are on the same playing field.”

Senator Lamar Alexander said, “This legislation is about two words – states’ rights – and today the U.S. Senate stood up for the Tenth Amendment by saying it is the prerogative of states to set their own tax policies, without playing ‘Mother, may I?’ with the federal government.

“This bill allows states to require out-of-state sellers to do the same thing that in-state sellers already are required to do, and that many online sellers already do, and that is to collect sales tax when they make a sale.

“In Tennessee, conservative leaders want to avoid a state income tax and treat out-of-state sellers the same way they do the brick-and-mortar businesses that create jobs for Tennesseans.”



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