Author Stephanie Osborn Of “The Displaced Detective” Series Is Presenter At 9th Annual Gathering Of Southern Sherlockians At Read House

  • Saturday, March 23, 2013
Stephanie Osborn
Stephanie Osborn

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was puzzled and not a little annoyed by the public’s adoration of his most famous creation, Mr. Sherlock Holmes. He sent Holmes to his “death” at the Reichenbach Falls in “The Final Problem”—only to have to resurrect him due to public outcry.

Now, 125 years after Mr. Holmes made his first appearance in print, Sir Arthur would likely be floored to see his detective more popular than ever. Someone who knows a lot about Mr. Holmes returns to Chattanooga on April 5-7, for The ninth annual Gathering of Southern Sherlockians at the Sheraton Read House. Holmes-lovers from throughout the South will converge on downtown Chattanooga to listen to readings and presentations from authors and experts, including Stephanie Osborn, space-scientist-turned-novelist, and author of the series “The Displaced Detective.”

This year’s Gathering will focus on the famous “unpublished stories” that Dr. Watson refers to so tantalizingly. Ms. Osborn will discuss the research she does for her series. The event’s organizers describe the Gathering as, “Not a symposium, but a Gathering of and for Sherlockian joy.” Attendees must be registered to attend the entire event, but individuals can arrange to attend Osborn’s presentation.

April is a grand month for both Ms. Osborn and Mr. Holmes as she is a special guest at the first “Holmes con” in the Southeast, 221B Con, April 13-14, in Atlanta. Ms. Osborn will be a panelist in no fewer than eight panels during the con, and will also be signing her books. For more information about 221B Con, visit

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