8th Annual Disc Golf Ice Bowl Set Saturday

  • Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Chattanooga Flying Disc Club will host the eighth annual disc golf Ice Bowl, titled Face-2-Face, on Saturday, at the event disc golf course located in the Riverpark in Chattanooga. It will consist of two rounds of 18. First round then lunch will be available at the course and $1 per throw CTP, closest to pin, for prizes followed by the second round. An auction and award ceremony will follow the last round. 

Players’ check in begins at 8 a.m. with mandatory player meeting at 9:30 a.m. The entry fee is $35 for amateur players, $45 of non-PDGA AM players, $50 for open players and $60 for non-PDGA open players. All players are welcome regardless of ability and everyone will have a chance to win different prizes.  You can register in advance at www.discgolfscene.com/tournaments/Face_2_Face_Ice_Bowl_2013/register or register the day of the tournament starting at 8 am. 

All of the proceeds raised from CTPs and auction will go directly to VORP.

The Victim Offender Reconciliation Program works with teens/children who are first time offenders of non-violent crimes. The victim and offender talk together “Face-2-Face”. The victim asks what the offender was thinking. The offender learns how the victim was impacted by their actions. A solution is made together; victim receives restitution for the crime. In this positive mediation process the victim is heard and the offender is eight times less likely to re-offend.

The first Disc Golf Ice Bowl occurred on a bitterly cold day in January of 1987.  In the past 25 years the Ice Bowl has grown into a multinational affair with over 230 events that raised approximately $300,000 for charity and over 79,000 pounds of food in 2012 alone.  Official Ice Bowls are played at courses all over the United States, Canada, and Europe during the months of January and February.  To be considered authentic Ice Bowls these events are required to donate all proceeds to a charity chosen by the club hosting the event.  The Chattanooga Ice Bowl was sixth in the entire nation in 2012 and fourth in 2011 in fundraising, raising $7,000 both years.

The rules of the Ice Bowl are simple: 1) Under no circumstances can an Ice Bowl be postponed or cancelled; 2) No wimps or whiners are allowed; 3) There are no excuses for not attending (Either be there or be a wimp!) and 4) A charity must benefit from the proceeds.

Disc golf is played much like regular golf, or ball golf, with individual players trying to get from a tee pad to a basket in the fewest number of throws.  Instead of clubs and balls, disc golfers throw specialized flying discs to reach a basket instead of a hole.  There are rules and etiquette associated with disc golf just like with ball golf.  There are drives, fairway or upshots and putts.  Each throw is considered a stroke and as with ball golf each hole has a designated par.

Directions: From I-75 take 153 towards the Chickamauga Dam.  Take the Amnicola Highway exit going towards Chattanooga State.  Continue on Amnicola Highway for a couple miles.  After passing the Chattanooga State entrance there will be an entrance on the right for the Riverpark named Robinson Bridge, turn right.  Take this Robinson Bridge entrance and the road will drop you at the tournament.

For more information: Contact Scott Snow at snowmandiscgolf@gmail.com.

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