Truck Fire Contained To Carport In Lakesite Home

  • Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A truck fire was contained to a carport Tuesday morning. The quick response of a neighbor saved the house and potential injuries of the homeowner. The neighbor woke the homeowner, Richard Ruppin, to inform him his truck was on fire. At 7:30 a.m., a 911 call was made reporting a carport fire at 8930 Dalton Lane (Lakesite). 

The Dallas Bay Volunteer Fire Department responded and arrived in three minutes reporting a truck and carport on fire. Firefighters worked quickly and contained the fire in four minutes.

Chief Marcus Fritts reported the fire started from an electrical short in the trailer hitch which caught the spare tire on fire. Once the spare tire caught fire, it spread throughout the truck and crawled up to the top of the carport.

Chief Fritts said, “These firefighters had a great save. This fire could have been worse and kudos to the neighbor’s quick action for help.” 

No injuries were reported, but Hamilton County EMS was on the scene for any potential injuries. Damages were contained to the carport and are listed at $15,000.   

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