Time For A Change On The City Council

  • Thursday, February 21, 2013

In District 4 I support Larry Grohn. Jack Benson only appears when it's election time. Larry Grohn is very qualified to be on the City Council. He has attended most all the City Council meetings the last three years. He is a retired teacher himself and has what it takes to get tough on crime.  It's time for a change on the council. There should be term limits.

After 12 years and two mayors it's time for a change. Jack Benson is a tax and spend Democrat and with him sitting on the Council again we can expect more of the same. Larry Grohn is truly concerned with the problems we face in East Brainard and a very nice man.  

This Council is soft on crime and has the has poor relations with the police department. If anything needs changing it's this group of City Council people. Put in a man with fresh eyes instead of this tired old group of ribbon cutters who vote In their own pay raises, but leave the police department hanging in the wind. It's time for a change, vote for Larry Grohn.

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