Highway 153 Getting New Traffic Signals With Flashing Yellow Arrow

  • Tuesday, February 12, 2013

New traffic signals going up on Highway 153 will include more than red for stop, green for go and yellow for proceed with caution.

John Van Winkle, city traffic engineer, said they also will include a second yellow light with a flashing arrow. He said that light means that motorists can proceed if the way is clear, but that they have to yield to other oncoming traffic.

He said Chattanooga will be the first city in the state to have those type lights.

Another feature, he said, is that the timing of the lights can be adjusted by city traffic personnel to deal with special traffic situations.   

The new lights will be installed at 10 different intersections.

"It will probably take the public a little while to get used to the new lights," Frank Smith of the traffic engineer's office said. 

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