Signal Mayor Lusk Steps Down From Town’s Planning Commission; Appoints Vice Mayor Robertson To Replace Him

  • Monday, February 11, 2013
  • Judy Frank
Bill Lusk
Bill Lusk

Signal Mountain Vice Mayor Susan Robertson agreed Monday evening to step in as Mayor Bill Lusk’s replacement on the municipal planning commission after the mayor announced he has decided to step aside from the position.

“Due to my work and travel, which often conflict with PC meeting and workshop dates, I need to drop off the commission,” the mayor explained. “I am also the weakest member of the PC in terms of subject knowledge.

Someone else could do far better.”

The vice mayor agreed to fill the position as long as needed.

“I’ll keep the seat warm for you,” she told Mayor Lusk. “You can have it back whenever you want it.”

The sole council member to object to the appointment was Bill Wallace, who noted that he also would have liked to serve on the planning commission.

The mayor thanked him for his interest in serving, but stuck to his original appointment.

Susan Robertson
Susan Robertson
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