Victim In "Road Rage" Shooting Got Out Of Vehicle And Walked Toward Vehicle Behind Him; Manning Had Been Fired As Jailer For Use Of Excessive Force

  • Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A 39-year-old man who was killed in a "road rage" shooting Tuesday morning had gotten out of his vehicle and walked back toward the vehicle behind him, police said.

Richard "Rick" Manning, 62, who lived nearby, has been charged with criminal homicide and aggravated assault.

He was with the sheriff's office from 1977-1984 as a correctional officer at the jail. He was eventually terminated for conduct unbecoming an officer and use of excessive force, then later worked as a security guard.

The incident happened on South Moore Road at the traffic light at South Terrace.

Chattanooga Police officers were dispatched to 344 S. Moore Road at 9:13 a.m. on a person shot call. Upon arrival, they found the victim sitting in his vehicle suffering from a gunshot wound. Norman Gallman was transported to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. 

Witnesses said Mr. Gallman had a confrontation with the driver of another vehicle, and they heard a gunshot. Witnesses also gave suspect vehicle information. 

The suspect vehicle was found at 706 S. Lovell Ave., East Ridge. Richard Manning, 62, was taken into custody nearby in another vehicle.

A .40-caliber handgun was found inside a bag in the front seat of the Dodge Ram he was driving when he was arrested. Police said at the time of the shooting he was in a Chevrolet Impala.

The victim's girlfriend, Anna Caro, was in the victim's gray SUV at the time of the shooting.

Witnesses said after he was shot, Mr. Gallman stumbled back to his vehicle. He was slumped over the steering wheel when police arrived.

A witness said the shooter drove around the gray SUV, and she got the tag number. A number of officers went to his home.

Ms. Caro identified Manning from a photo lineup.

Manning is being held at the County Jail under a $300,000 bond for criminal homicide and $50,000 for aggravated assault. The bond was set by Magistrate Ron Powers.

He is due to appear before General Sessions Court Judge Christie Sell Mahn on Monday.

Richard Manning
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