GPS Senior Anna Carroll Receives Philanthropy Award

  • Tuesday, November 26, 2013

GPS Senior Anna Carroll was honored with the Youth in Philanthropy Award at a luncheon to honor the many volunteers and donors in the Chattanooga community who give of their time, talent, and treasure. Anna is the founder and chairperson of the nonprofit Corina Field Carroll Fund, named for her late mother, a pediatrician. 

The foundation, committed to providing counseling for families victimized by child abuse, awarded its first gift of $25,000 to the Children’s Advocacy Center of Hamilton County and is funding a new initiative that will offer continuing education to medical residents at Erlanger Hospital on the topic of child abuse.  

The GPS table at the luncheon honored alumna and current parent Lisa Shanahan, trustee and 2012 chair of the Annual Fund, who has given countless hours over the last year to supporting the efforts of the Advancement Team.  Ms. Shanahan's husband, Dan, and daughter Tara, a current senior, attended the luncheon, as did Nini Davenport, chair of the GPS Board, and members of the Administration and Development staff.  

Also at the luncheon was PE teacher Kim Leffew, who was an honored guest of the Siskin Children’s Institute for her volunteer efforts and her work with the institute’s Star Night fundraiser. Since 1987, the Chattanooga Area Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals has celebrated National Philanthropy Day.

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