Decatur, Tn., Man Who Made 2 Meth Cooks A Week Since 2008 Gets 14 Years In Federal Prison

  • Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A Decatur, Tn., man who admitted to dealing in meth out of his home has been sentenced to serve 14 years in federal prison.

Ronald A. Morrison appeared before Federal Judge Sandy Mattice.

Prosecutors said TBI Agt. Josh Melton and several officers from the Meigs County Sheriff's Office went to the Morrison home on Oct. 22, 2012, while trying to locate Marcus Grissom on felony warrants from Meigs County.

He said Morrison was at the residence along with Brandon Eugene Thomas. A search turned up Grissom in the basement of the home. Officers also found several items related to meth production.

Morrison gave a statement in which he said that since 2008 he had manufactured meth approximately twice a week at his home. He said each cook yielded about two grams of finished product. He said he had cooked meth in his shed that day.

He said Thomas helped him with the cooking, and he said he had a network of "smurfs" who brought him pseudoephedrine. He usually paid $30 and a small amount of meth to the smurfs.

Morrison said Chloe Summer Jones brought him pseudoephedrine earlier that day.

He said he had cooked at least 150 grams of meth since 2008.

Records show that he had purchased more than 160 grams of pseudoephedrine since January 2009 and Thomas had bought more than 90 grams.

Agents said Crystal Amanda Callahn had bought more than 190 grams of pseudoephedrine since December 2009, and that Pamela Welch bought over 200 grams pseudoephedrine. 


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