Thanksgiving Fireworks Light Up The Sky At Titanic Museum Attraction In Pigeon Forge

  • Monday, October 28, 2013
  • Amanda Stravinsky

The night sky will be ablaze in bursts of color during the second annual fireworks extravaganza honoring the lives and legacies of the Titanic’s passengers, crew and rescuers 7:30 p.m. Nov. 28, at the Titanic Museum Attraction in Pigeon Forge.

“Since the Titanic Museum Attraction’s grand opening in 2010, fireworks have been seen as glowing tributes to the 2,208 passengers and crew who sailed on Titanic,” said John Joslyn, expedition leader of the first private exploration dive to Titanic and co-owner of the Titanic Museum Attraction. “Our Thanksgiving fireworks display also serves to usher in a new holiday Christmas season of hope and promise for all of us.”

The annual tradition of a magical snowfall from the ship’s bow will be renewed on Thanksgiving weekend and will remain in the forecast for every Saturday in December. To help make the season even brighter, Father Christmas, dressed in a style most familiar to the children aboard Titanic in 1912, will make special stops at Titanic on these magical snow days.

Titanic Museum Attraction guests will also be able to view thousands of holiday lights, Edwardian-period decorations, and costumed merry-markers.

For more information, call 800 381-7670.

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