Beloved Chattanooga Pastor Ben Haden Dies

  • Thursday, October 24, 2013
Ben Haden
Ben Haden

Beloved Chattanooga pastor Ben Haden died early Thursday morning at the age of 88.

Known to his congregation and many friends just as "Ben," he was a former CEO of a daily newspaper, third generation attorney, and author. During the Korean War, he was with the CIA.

This was his 45th year as a national broadcaster. He began broadcasting in 1967 on NBC, and continued for more than 33 years on hundreds of radio and television stations. His program was called "Changed Lives."

Rev. Haden pastored two churches -- in Miami and First Presbyterian in Chattanooga.

He was educated at Washington and Lee University, the University of Texas at Austin and Columbia Theological Seminary.

He was pastor at Key Biscayne Presbyterian Church before he became just the 11th pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in 1968.

He was the pastor at First Presbyterian for 31 years before resigning in 1998 to pursue his radio ministry.

His wife, Charlyne, died in 2009.

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