A Chattanooga Police sergeant has been suspended for 28 days without pay in connection with an incident at the Riverbend Festival on June 16.
Sgt. Chad Sullivan has also been removed from the traffic unit.
He had been supervising Officer Steve Jones, who was found to have been drinking at the festival.
Police said, "The Internal Affair’s case involving Officer Steve Jones has been officially closed. The blood result, which was tested by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigations, was a .07 BAC which is below the legal limit for driving under the influence (DUI). Since his result was under the legal limit, he will not be criminally charged with DUI.
"The allegations of violation code of conduct and untruthfulness were sustained on Officer Jones; however, since he retired from the Police Department, no internal punishment can be administered.
"The allegation of failure to properly supervise has been sustained against Sgt. Chad Sullivan who was the commander over the Traffic Unit when this occurred. Sgt. Sullivan has been removed from the Traffic Unit and has been suspended for 28 days without pay for the improper handling of the incident."