Why Won't Desjarlais Debate?

  • Saturday, September 29, 2012

Why is there not going to be a debate between the two major candidates running for the Tennessee 4th Congressional District? This election cycle could be the most important election cycle of our lifetime.

The newspapers are reporting that Rep. Desjarlais, the freshman Republican incumbent, will not attend any of the three debate dates proposed because the Democrat candidate, Tennessee Senator Eric Stewart, has not proposed a platform for his campaign.

A quick visit to the website of Eric Stewart shows that he not only has a platform, but that his platform is very clear and concise as to his plans if elected. He lists the budget, fiscal responsibility, jobs, the economy, Social Security, Medicare, and veterans as his primary concerns.

A quick look at the website of Rep. Desjarlais shows that he claims to be concerned about the same issues. Isn't this election about selling opinions in the marketplace of ideas? Why will not Rep. Desjarlais debate Senator Stewart?

The excuses given by Rep. Desjarlais' campaign do not ring clear given the serious issues confronting our country at this time.

Steve Durham

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