Election Administrator Says 4 Early Voting Sites Enough

  • Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Election Administrator Charlotte Mullis-Morgan said four early voting sites are enough for the upcoming presidential election.

Paul Smith, chairman of the county Democratic Primary, recommended there be six, saying he expects long lines for the election in which a President will be picked.

"We have been signing up a great many new voters," he said.

Ms. Mullis-Morgan said she did not expect long lines for the early voting from Oct. 17 to Nov. 1.

She said funding and availability of trained workers were also factors.

The early voting sites will remain the election office off Amnicola Highway, the Brainerd Recreation Center, Northgate Mall and Eastwood Church, 4300 Ooltewah-Ringgold Road.

Election day is Nov. 6.

Mr. Smith also expressed concern about some people with gun carrying permits carrying their guns into the polling places. Ms. Mullis-Morgan said no one is supposed to bring guns to the voting sites except police officers.

Ms. Mullis-Morgan said she has not heard from a group who expressed concern about residents of Whiteside Manor on 10th Street, who used to be able to vote across the street and now have to vote two miles away.

She said it is no longer possible for the residents to vote across the street because the district lines were changed and that is now in a different district.

Election Commission Chairman Mike Walden noted City Councilman Andrae McGary was in the group with concerns, and he said, "He's the one who drew the lines. He drew up his own district like others do."



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