We're Quitting Coca-Cola Too - And Response (2)

  • Monday, July 2, 2012

Re: Roy Exum - Coke Just Broke My Heart:

No Coke here either…I’ll just go to water as my middle-aged waistline demands anyway.

Farewell, Doctor Pepper my love!  Many thanks to Roy Exum for being a voice for the natural horse in Tennessee.  It is the right thing to do.  Talking back to the bully in your neighborhood is righteous and will help keep the momentum going to stop the meanness. 

Hey boys…if you want to fix the problem, don’t keep trying to figure out a way around it…just stop doing it!  KISS…you know…keep it simple stupid.

Instead, the burners are keeping it stupid simple! Thanks, Roy.

Vali Suddarth, gaited horse owner

* * *

Just remember that Dr. Pepper is not a Coca-Cola product. It is a product of the Dr Pepper Snapple Group (formerly Cadbury Schweppes.)  It is bottled in our area by the local independent Coca-Cola bottler but that is not true of all areas. 

In many areas the independent Pepsi bottler has the contract.  I personally have switched to RC, Dr Pepper and other Dr Pepper Snapple Group products due to sponsorship issues with Coke and Pepsi.

James Garner

Cowan, Tn.

* * *

I'll do Mr. Roy one better.  I'm going to take this opportunity to switch to Chattanooga's own Double Cola. I love the wonderfully bold cola flavor and the exciting new look for its cans and cartons. I particularly enjoy the retro Double Cola made with real cane sugar and sold in real glass bottles over at Kanku's on Central Ave.  Roy, how about it?
Bill Holt

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