Brady Campaign President Lauds McCormick Stance Against NRA's "Political Bullying"

  • Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Brady Campaign President Dan Gross issued the following statement in response to Tennessee Republican leader Gerald McCormick’s statement that the National Rifle Association “has put itself so far out on a limb that they’ve lost a lot of credibility” after the NRA’s efforts to defeat State Rep. Debra Maggart (R-Hendersonville), the third-ranking Republican in the State House:

“It is deeply heartening to see Tennessee House Majority Leader McCormick and other Tennessee Republican leaders stand up to the bullies at the National Rifle Association, and put the safety of the citizens of their state ahead of the special interests of the gun lobby. We hope this is the beginning of a desperately needed sea change for this cause. For too long the gun lobby and the politicians who do its bidding have had their way, using lies, political intimidation and fear tactics to push their only agenda of selling more guns. And all the while people have been dying needlessly. We applaud House Majority Leader McCormick and other Tennessee Republicans for showing that Tennessee is no longer willing to let the gun lobby decide for them how to protect the safety of their constituents. We hope this sends a positive message to other elected officials across the nation not to let the gun lobby push them around any more.”

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