The Walking Horse Industry Is Laughable - And Response

  • Sunday, May 20, 2012

Roy Exum has said it all- "The industry is laughable." 

The Humane Society's Keith Dane said last week, "The penalties are not sufficient ... jail time is the only sufficient penalty." Absolutely.  It is time for the Walking Horse industry to be treated in the same way that cock fighting and dog fighting are treated by the law. 

Remember Michael Vick? 

Lawrence S. Nagle

Signal Mountain

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Thanks for covering the McConnell abuse story.

He is a prime example of the kind of person that should be drummed out of the horse world.

It is ridiculous that he was allowed to plead guilty on only one charge and the rest were dismissed. He is a cretin and if they let him go with a slap on the wrist it is a slap in the face to horsemen and women everywhere. Jail the lout.

Kathryn Baker

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