Haslam's Pocket Veto Is Myopic

  • Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Haslam's "limp wrist" on HB 368/SB 893 is not only a slap-in-the-face to most educated citizens of Tennessee, it's a black-eye for the state as well. 

Bill Haslam will single-handedly give credence to the rest of the country's opinion of this southern state. We will be thought of as backward, mouth-breathing, wrongly-educated national parasites...one has only to point to this myopic piece of legislation to vindicate that opinion. 

People won't think we're free-thinkers; not main-stream; not fringe, but all-out full-on backwards and stupid because we're taught to be from birth. 

Gov. Haslam, I truly hope that only 10 percent of the backlash I forecast reaches you.

David D. Fihn, Sr.
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