Help Cure Cancer Without Supporting Abortion - And Response (4)

  • Sunday, February 5, 2012

Roy Exum points out the “Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure” Foundation has a tangled financial relationship with Planned Parenthood, a pro-abortion group.
Fortunately, other cancer help groups do not choose to share their money with abortion providers.

Some examples are:
The National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc –
The Breast Cancer Prevention Institute –
30 Rehill Avenue, Suite 3400
Somerville, NJ 08876 USA

Donald O'Connor

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After almost incredulously reading about how the Christian Right thinks the pink Susan G. Komen Bibles are obviously the wrong color, it reminds me that the Christian Right (an oxymoron if there ever was one) is much too concerned with the color of the Good Book than it's contents.

This whole Susan G. Komen brouhaha was put into motion because of a bogus "investigation" of Planned Parenthood by Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.).  He then got the expected knee-jerk reaction from the Susan G. Komen Foundation concerning the withholding of funds to groups under local, state or federal investigations. The fact that 26 Democrats signed a letter petitioning SGK to reverse their policy has nothing to do with why the misguided policy actually occurred, as Roy Exum so eloquently distorts.

This is yet another fine example of the GOP wasting precious time and energy that could be better spent creating jobs and helping the struggling working class.  But I guess we wouldn't want to do that while we have one of those Presidents of the wrong color in charge, would we?

Herb Montgomery

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The latest attempt for groups to dictate what others do or the decisions they make has been the flap over the Komen Foundation to not give funds to Planned Parenthood. PP is one of the most political organizations in the USA. We only have to note the names and organizations that have come to the forefront, Politicians and all have a long record of supporting abortion. I believe that is what the issue is. They see any opposition to PP involvement in whatever as an attack on abortion.
In none of the media reports does it show that the Komen Foundation is considering to use that money for a trip to Jamaica or for a skiing trip to Jackson Hole I believe they would continue the work they have always done and that is to focus on breast cancer. So if they were to choose to grant that money to some organization like the American Cancer Society don't they have the right to do so? I think they do.
What troubles me is the statements made without any facts. These statements by
leaders, media and others indicate that the foundation is letting women fail to get exams and knowingly putting them in danger. If all the money is spent according to the purpose of the foundation that is what is expected but there are those who think they know what is best for others and should be asked for their permission.
Society has come to a point that if I don't get my way I will willingly damage and assault you or your organization because I don't agree and know what is best. There have been half truths and name calling by those who don't agree with the decision. It has also been local. Words used such as snakes, zany, Bible thumpers, daffy, keening political right and blatant hatred zealots. Boy this sure helped the situation. Just some more of class warfare just like that which is coming out of Washington.
If the foundation took the money and used it toward something other than fighting cancer I would have a problem and would not give. The board has been demonized because it was Planned Parenthood not because of any other reason. Today we see this kind of action on ball teams, politics and all over the map. Many will take scripture out of context to prove their point. Even Washington took a bible passage out of context to support raising taxes.
I guess I should have asked someone's permission to write and submit this opinion piece as they would think they know better.

N.D. Kennedy Sr - Ooltewah

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Frankly it never occurred to me that an anti-cancer organization would support a pro-abortion group.  It is widely known that abortion is associated with cancer later in life.

Clearly the Komen Foundation's association with abortionists is part of the politically correct environment that is killing morality and philanthropy in America today. I am guilty of trusting too much, having given money to Komen in the past as I assumed they were a worthy charity. However, I won't donate to them again. In fact, hearing news like this makes me cynical about giving to advocacy groups in general. I don't want to see dollars I thought were going to fight breast cancer being used by an organization that kills babies before they're born.

I applaud the earlier message about which organizations raise money to fight cancer without supporting abortion groups as well.  In the future, I will do a better job to make sure the groups who get donations from me are really doing the right thing.  Fool me once, shame on you, but fool me twice, shame on me. How many people can support an anti-cancer group that won't separate itself from another that promotes infanticide?

Jim Nichols

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Roy Exum intro'd his piece with a quote from Lincoln warning America that our demise will come from within, and then proceeded to equate Lincoln's warning with Susan G. Komen's withdrawal of funds from Planned Parenthood. Somehow I doubt that the collapse of America will be caused by the lack of funds to PP. But such has been the journalistic caterwalling all last week.
One would have thought, listening to the media, that women would now be dropping dead left and right from breast cancer because Planned Parenthood would not get their money. Well, I have a news flash: Planned Parenthood doesn't provide mammograms. All they do is a feel test that any woman can do to herself in the privacy of her own home. If you want an actual mammogram, there are a plethora of professional practices in Chattanooga to get that done. A quick Google search yielded these suggestions:
Chattanooga Imaging- East
Erlanger East Imaging
Erlanger Imaging Mammography Center
Mary Ellen Locher Breast Center
Memorial Atrium Imaging Center
Tennessee Imaging and Vein Center
The list goes on, but you get the idea. 
I have another news flash: The Susan G. Komen fund raises money primarily for Breast Cancer Research institutions. Which of course, Planned Parenthood has nothing to do with. And Komen's withdrawal of support from PP would not have effected breast cancer research one whit,
So what was with all the wailing and gnashing of teeth from liberals last week? Newsflash: it was pure unadulterated theatrics because someone dared challenge the legitimacy of one of liberalisms most sacred cows. I hate to break it to ya, but for all the Lefts decrying that it was all about politics, if the truth be known, the media outcry really was about politics. Because the fact of the matter is, when it comes to breast cancer treatment, Planned Parenthood is way overrated. Even, dare I say, insignificant.
So if you're really serious about supporting breast cancer research, but don't want your money going to the largest abortion mill in the United States, skip the middle men and give straight to the actual work: i.e. the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, among others. 
Bill McGee

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