New Officers, Board Members Announced At Southeast Chapter Of American Council of Engineering Companies Of Tennessee

  • Thursday, December 27, 2012
Eddie Wade
Eddie Wade

Eddie Wade, PE, vice president at Lamar Dunn & Associates, has been elected president of the Southeast Chapter of the American Council of Engineering Companies of Tennessee. 

Mr. Wade is a six-year veteran of Lamar Dunn and Associates and a graduate of Auburn University.  

Other officers recently elected in Chattanooga are: President-Elect David Young, PE, vice president at Volkert, Inc.; Secretary Allen Stephens, PE, executive vice president at CTI Engineers; and Treasurer Paul Cate, PE, vice president at CTI Engineers. 

In addition to new chapter officers, three new members were elected to the Chapter’s board of directors: Bill Johnson, PE, vice president at Arcadis; Mack McCarley, PE, senior vice president and regional manager at Thompson Engineering; and Russell Moorehead, PE, senior project engineer at Barge Waggoner Sumner & Cannon. Each new member was elected to a one-year term.

The Southeast Chapter of ACEC of Tennessee, based in Chattanooga, meets regularly and contributes to ACEC initiatives on the state and local level. In addition, the group supports STEM Education (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) activities in the Chattanooga area and works to promote the engineering profession in all arenas. 

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