Election Commission To Consider Whether To Add 4th Early Voting Site For March 5 City Election

  • Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Election Commission on Jan. 9 will discuss a request from the city of Chattanooga for a fourth early voting site for the March 5 election, Administrator Charlotte Mullis-Morgan said.

She said the city wants to locate the site at the Bethlehem Center in Alton Park.

Ms. Mullis-Morgan said early voting sites had been planned for the election office off Amnicola Highway, the Brainerd Recreation Center and Northgate Mall.

She said in the city election four years ago just six percent of those on the rolls voted early.

She said another 18 percent voted on election day.

Ms. Mullis-Morgan said setting up the equipment for a new early voting site "could very well be a problem - depending on the location."

She said city officials have stated that "money will not be an issue" since the city would be covering the cost.

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