Cleveland City Council Approves Pact For Spring Branch Industrial Park; Settles Sale Tax Issue With County

  • Tuesday, December 11, 2012
  • Tonya Brantley
The Cleveland City Council unanimously passed a resolution accepting the conditions set forth by Bradley County and authorizing the mayor to sign an amended agreement relating to the Spring Branch Industrial Park during its voting session meeting Monday afternoon.

The resolution states the commission agrees to pay $2 million or one-third of the $6 million debt obligation including interest beginning fiscal year 2016. The county mayor is authorized to sign the memorandum of agreement (MOA) between the IDB, the city of Cleveland and Cleveland Utilities for acquisition of real property and the improvement of the Spring Branch Industrial Park with the following conditions:

-The MOA is subject to the state of Tennessee issuing a certificate of public purpose and necessity.

-Bradley County will be reimbursed from the proceeds generated by the sale of land within the park for the county’s share of the project financing including principal, interest and expenses.

-The MOA shall include the following provisions to minimize the impact to the community surrounding the proposed industrial park site, the following accommodations will be made: sewer service to the proposed Spring Branch Road site will be provided from an existing eight inch sewer line on ADP-40, buffers will surround building sites as shown on the concept drawing, Spring Branch Road will be closed and will not be used for ingress or egress from the industrial park. Commercial and industrial traffic will be restricted and three axle trucks will be prohibited on Harriman Road. Traffic calming techniques including construction of a truck turnaround, signage and markings will be put in place. The Cleveland Stormwater Engineer will be the primary contact person for stormwater issues. The County Engineer and TDEC should also be contacted.

A motion to accept Bradley County’s offer to repay $1,422,683.58 due per the Court of Appeals ruling also passed unanimously. The Bradley County School Board recently passed a resolution agreeing to pay over the amount to be paid by 30 equal monthly installments. It states the Bradley County School Board respectfully requests that the city council accept such payment in full and final satisfaction of all disputes existing between the city of Cleveland and Bradley County regarding the collection and distribution of Local Option Sales Tax revenues.

In other business, Cleveland Mayor Tom Rowland honored several city employees with service awards. The following were honored for 20 years of service: Jeremy Noble, Davis Creasman, Mike Harris, Jeff Griggs, Beverly Lindsey, Buddy Mitchell, Bobby Gaylor, Susan Jerfie, Kim Winters, Jimmy Tatum and Teresa Torbett. The following were honored for 25 years of service: Gene Smith, Dennis Maddux, Tony Brown, Kim Spence and Steve Tyson. Tim Winder was honored for 30 years and Tony Taylor was honored for 35 years of service to the city. Each award recipient received a check and a lapel pin.

In new business, an ordinance amending the FY2013 budget passed unanimously as well as a motion to appoint Avery Johnson as vice mayor for a two-year term.

The following consent agenda items also passed unanimously:

-Final Passage – Zoning Ordinance No: 2012-23 – Rezoning property at 2412 Wolfe Drive NW from R2 to CH (Planning Commission: Approved 8:0; 1 member absent).

-Final Passage – Zoning Ordinance No: 2012-25 – Rezoning property at 105 Edwards Street SE from IH to CBD (Planning Commission: Approved 7:0; 2 members absent).

-Resolution No: 2012-118 – Approving the 2012 Emergency Solutions Grant application to the Tennessee Housing Development Agency.

-Resolution No: 2012-119 – Authorizing the purchase and transfer of property located at 20th Street SE/Foster Lane with CDBG funds.

-Resolution No: 2012-120 – Dedicate two areas of land as right-of-way for the Whirlpool SIA Project as requested by TDOT.

-Resolution No: 2012-121 – Proposed access street cut Paul Huff Parkway near Mouse Creek Road.

-Resolution No: 2012-123 – Amending the agreement with the Boys & Girls Club by adding 15 hours total to its part-time employees for the Positive Action Program funded by the City’s Targeted Community Crime Reduction Grant.

-Resolution No: 2012-125 – Annual review of the Debt Management Policy (No changes are needed at this time).

Cleveland City Offices will be closed Monday, Dec. 24, and Tuesday, Dec. 25, for the Christmas Holiday and Monday, Dec. 31, and Tuesday, Jan. 1, for the New Year’s Holiday (This is mirroring the State Holiday Schedule and with a possible additional day to be determined by Bradley County). The City Clerk’s Office will be open normal business hours to accept tax payments on Monday, Dec. 31.

The Cleveland City Council will hold its next voting session meeting on Jan. 14, 2013 at 3 p.m.


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