Truth In Advertising At Yellow Deli - And Response (3)

  • Monday, June 30, 2008

Fast food restaurants don't advertise the number of calories, fat or cholesterol that is in their food. They don't tell you if you "Have it your way" you may gain 10 pounds and not fit in your bathing suit come summer. Instead, they attempt to sell you on an experience and they take advantage of your hunger and desires to draw you into their establishment.

Another and possibly better example is the endless adds for credit cards that give you 0% interest for some period of time and tell you that you deserve to buy anything your heart desires and when you charge up a high balance start to charge you 20-30% interest. It is at that point that you are trapped because you gave into the advertisement, and now you are in debt. And the debt keeps growing because of compounding interest. Sure you did this of your own free will, but if consumers were given the whole truth up front, do you think as many would fall into the trap?

This is how it is with falling prey to a dangerous coercive control group (or cult). They entice you with a false outward appearance (1). They are selling an experience. This is why they will say, "Come visit us" or "Stay with us" verses talking to you about their beliefs and practices. Sure they will offer a superficial belief statement such as "We believe God is waiting for a people with one heart and one way who live together and love each other and have everything in common. Come visit us and you will see". So what makes them different from any communal group that says the same thing? They won't tell you up front. You won't know until you visit them, and stay with them a while. And that is when they start the process of what is known as cognitive dissonance by those who study Coercive and Controlling Groups such as the Twelve Tribes of the Yellow Deli. This is where a person is purposely manipulated starting with controlling their environment. This is why they want you to "come".

While you are "there" they start playing with your emotions and controlling the information you can access that may provide an alternate perspective. There is a reason the Twelve Tribes used to bring a bus to deadhead concerts, it was a "mini-utopia" a place where prospective recruits could "experience" a taste of how they live.

But even if you do decide to live with them for a couple weeks or a month, they don't share their inner doctrines with you. They also don't lock you in a room and keep you prisoner. You are free to visit and you are free to go at anytime. This will cause you to believe that all the stories of "bondage" and "mind-control" are false. Their goal is to get followers who are willing to give up everything and make a commitment to submit to their authority. They really don't want forced prisoners who want to break away any chance they get.

How can they convince you to want to submit to their authority and give up your free will? They start by telling you that everything you have learned and heard outside is from the "evil one" and you need to "clear your mind". Simultaneously, they "love-bomb" you and give you a taste of utopia to get you in the right state of mind so you can "receive" their message. You start to think, "How can such sincere loving people be wrong"? They seem so happy and satisfied and all their needs are met. But unfortunately, you are only given the veneer of the real truth. In reality, most of the followers are dog-tired and struggle to stay faithful. They are worked 80-90 hours a week and don't really have the time to live this utopian life and love-on their kids the way they say they do.

In fact many of the accusations and condemnations they make of the outside "world" and "Christianity" specifically, are true of them. So it is not until you come to a point where you are willing to "die to yourself" and "give everything" to follow "Yahshuah" that you start to get a glimpse of the truth. And like the poor credit card holder, it is only after you have quit your job or dropped out of college, left your family and sometimes that means husbands/wives and children, told them they are all going to hell unless they follow you, turned over your vehicle and bank accounts and have no means of providing for yourself that you are given access to the "pearls" or inner teachings. Of course this is after you are baptized where you are required to denounce your former beliefs (Christianity or other religion/philosophies) and make a vow to "never leave" the body.

This is when you hear that Yoneq is the "anointed" and has a direct line to God and his teachings and words are equivalent to God speaking (2) and therefore are to be followed without question. You learn that he is the Elijah that has come back to earth to call people out of the world and Christianity (3). That Christianity, (which is their main target for recruitment) was an apostate church that has not had the Holy Spirit (Ruach Ha Kodesh) for over 1900 years (4). That you are not allowed to think or "reason" for yourself about anything outside of the teachings and direction of Yoneq and his band of elders (5). And unless you beat your children until their wounds are blue, you are not being a loving father or mother, in fact you hate your children. (6) And if you are a good follower and submit all your loyalty to Yoneq's teaching, you will one day be a God of your own Universe or Galaxy (7). And these are just a sample of the bizarre teachings that you will be expected to believe and submit to without question.

And what if you choose not to submit? And what if you want to ask a question? Then you are free to leave. In fact you are encouraged to leave and sometimes just plain asked to get out. The only problem is, you have already alienated your family and friends, you have no money and you own no vehicle and even the clothes on your back are not yours they belong to the community. If they are feeling generous, they will give you $200 to "get by", but ultimately you are "cut-off". (8)

So I ask you, if the Twelve Tribes put a poster up in front of the Yellow Deli stating these beliefs, do you think people would want to give them their money? How about bring their kids and stay for a couple weeks? So what would constitute honest full disclosure/advertising and recruiting for the Twelve Tribes?

"Welcome, please spend as much money as you can with us because we need to ensure our Prophet has enough money to expand our real estate holdings and fly around the world starting other communities where people like me can nearly starve and raise our children and beat them until they are black and blue. You are welcome to move in with us as long as you denounce all other religious loyalties and promise you will never leave, and be willing to submit unquestionably to our elders and supreme leader who is in fact the only conduit to God. Please leave your brain outside as you are no longer allowed to think for yourself because our elders will think for you. But please bring your money, real estate, stocks and bonds and everything else with you so we can liquidate these and give the proceeds to our Apostle to spend as he sees fit. And we want you to have it your way so if your wife or husband does not want to join you/us, that's ok. Abandon them because our Prophet Elijah says they are going to burn in the Lake of Fire anyway. Oh, and we have a no-money back guarantee. If you do choose to leave us, or we decide with little or no notice to kick you out, you will not get your money or any of your belongings back and you will drop dead because God will kill you. Have a nice day"


Please send any questions or comments to


(1) TT (Yoneq/Spriggs) Teachings concerning being "perfect" for outsiders and withholding the truth or outright lying in order to "make a stand":

"The only thing we have to be perfect in now is confessing our sins and speaking to people on the outside. Or your conscience will haunt you night and day." September 2 1990 Apostolic Workers Meeting Minutes.

"There is a difference between bearing false witness and concealing a matter (not telling the truth) that others have forfeited their right to know because of their hostile and evil attitude toward God." November 29 1988 Phase 2 Teaching – Yoneq page 1

"Sometimes we make a stand with the truth by not revealing the truth or by our answers that are or are not true." Nov 29 1988 Phase 2 Teaching – Yoneq page 1

(2) Teachings that demonstrate Yoneq/Spriggs speaks for God. In the quote below, understand the only one who the TT considers to have "delegated authority" from God is Yoneq/Spriggs so what he in fact is saying is to obey himself without argument as you would obey God.

"All who know God and know authority will obey his word, will obey Him, will obey His delegated authority without argument." Acts 3:23 - If we do not obey every word he speaks to us we will be cut off. November 18, 1990 Reasoning – Page 4

(3) Quotes concerning Yoneq/Spriggs being in fact the Elijah and having God's authority.

Note, the following quote is regarding a woman who died of cancer who was a long time member of the TT. They could not explain her untimely death without finding some fault in her life or un-confessed sin. She was accused of speaking ill of Yoneq once years before and therefore rejecting God's authority and not "receiving" Elijah.

"No way if Mary disrespected God's authority could faith come to heal her - Numbers 12 No way her children could be saved Malachi 4:5 If (you)don't receive Elijah (you)don't receive(the) anointing (your)children will be accursed - no hope." September 2, 1990 Apostolic Workers Meeting – Page 5

Here is another quote concerning Elijah being in the midst of the TT. They are referring to Yoneq and the spirit that he has brought to the TT.

"Keli told us we can know the spirit of Elijah is in our midst because of how we are continually brought back to the necessity of turning our heart to our children." August 6, 1996 Apostolic Workers Meeting – Page 3

(4) Quotes concerning there being no true church for the last 1900 years:

"Everything has been in abeyance for at least 1900 years — put off for a future generation to fulfill. Abeyance — put off, it's no longer in existence. 1 Pet 2:9 is no longer in existence. There is no people of God; there is no holy nation; there is no twelve-tribed nation; there has been no one keeping the way of YHWH for 1900 years — it has been in abeyance." April 9, 1995 The Fall of the First Church – Page 3

"Therefore the evil one been a ruler for 1900 years. They crucified the very Son of God — YHWH in the flesh. They killed Him! It proves who is in control of the world — Satan rules the whole world." April 9, 1995 The Fall of the First Church – Page

(5) TT Teaching concerning peoples right to "reason" or think for themselves vs submitting to authority

"Many people are enslaved by a spirit of reason. They will only come when they are called and go where they are sent when it seems right to them. They always want to know a reason. If they are under this bondage of reasoning, sooner or later slanderous words will come out of their mouth against authority and there will be no possibility of escape from death." November 18, 1990 Reasoning

(6) TT Teachings concerning beating children until they bleed:

"Underdiscipline accomplishes nothing. It is better not to discipline our children at all — "The blueness of the wound drives away all evil."" October 1980 Child Training -Notes from Teachers Meeting - Page 5

"Unless your son has blue wounds, by this standard, you know what kind of a
standard is in you — it is the spirit that hates your son. If one is overly concerned about his son receiving blue marks you know that he hates his son and hates the word of God." No date – Execution of Justice – Page 1

(7) TT Quotes concerning being "cut-off" due to not submitting to authority or the teachings of Yoneq. A member can be ""cut-off" within the community and not allowed to participate in social activity or be asked to leave.

"What do we have that' s greater than our attachment (staying connected) to our Master, Yahshua, and His people? Do we think that we can put aside our life for awhile and leave the Community and go out and do other things and then come back?" May 19 1994 The Seriousness of Being Cut-Off from Messiah – Page 5

"In the nations if you join the army and go to battle and desert the battle you could be imprisoned or even killed. (A deserter is worthy of death - if he falls into the hands of the enemy he will betray you.) It's a serious thing to be in a battle and desert your troop. You have to see that we're in a war here. This is our Father's army and you can't so easily come back. We made a pledge at baptism not to leave." May 19 1994 The Seriousness of Being Cut-Off from Messiah – Page 3

(8) TT (Yoneq/Spriggs) Quotes concerning followers becoming gods of their own galaxy:

"We are going to be holy people. Holy, set apart by the Holy Spirit to accomplish His will. The day will come when each one of you has a galaxy to rule over." [source: "The Three Eternal Destinies #74 - Three Categories of Man 5" November 19, 1996. Morning Minchah, Reuben. Teaching identifier: 961119A]

"Rev 1:6; 5:10 — He has made us to be kings and priests — that's who we are! We will rule over galaxies. When people of the nations see us, it will be just like seeing the Father (Jn 14:9). We will bear His name, His character, His image, His authority." [source: "Salvation is a Free Gift (But Who Does He Give It To?)" December 1997. Coxsackie, NY. Teaching identifier: 9712T08]

Bill Ellmore

* * *

My wife and I had lunch with her brother and his love interest at the Yellow Deli Thursday. I can't say that we were swayed by anyone.

The Yello Deli was up front about their beliefs; they were written on the walls, not hidden in any manner, and apparently free for all to read.

The food was yummy.

Ike Conn

* * *

Perfect response, Ike, especially the lines, “The Yellow Deli was up front about their beliefs; they were written on the walls,” and “The food was yummy.”

Sounds like you sampled it all - just what ol’ Gene Spriggs (apparently the self-proclaimed apostle to this generation) wanted.

How many other restaurants have you been to that posted the owner’s religious beliefs “on the walls” beside the lunch and dinner menus?

Jim Jones was up front about everything, too, except the grape juice.

Something you should also ponder: “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread,” and “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat.”

Jim Ashley

* * *

I wanted to let some of your readers hear from those who work at the Yellow Deli themselves. Here's what some of the young, and not-so-young, women who serve there had to say:

"My name is Ariel. And I am 20-years-old. It was brought to my attention that some think the workers at the Yellow Deli work long, hard hours and perhaps maybe some feel sorry for them. I hope to clear all suspicion about the lives of those who work here at the Deli. I have been working there since opening day, April 1 and I love it. I am a volunteer; I work there because I want to and I love being with my friends whom I have chosen to live with because we love our Savior, the Son of God. His purpose fascinates my heart and I do what I do because I love Him. I am in the prime of my life and this is what I choose to give my strength to.

On the contrary, I feel sorry for many college students and young people that I meet in the Deli. They also stay up quite late at night, doing many things, but obviously devoid of purpose and seeking fulfillment. I wish that they had what I have, a goal for my life, real friends who don't just entertain my company to sell me drugs and to drink alcohol, wasting my health and conscience. I love my life and my occupation."

Ariel Gerari

"Hello. My name is Anava and I am 19-years-old. I am one of the workers at the Yellow Deli and I love to work there with all of my friends. Our life is made up of togetherness. No matter how many hours I work and even what I do, really doesn't matter to me; it's not the issue. I work the way I do out of love for the Son of God and the way He lived his life. I believe that His love has been poured into our hearts and therefore all we desire to do is to love others the way that we have been loved. Therefore, giving or serving is pleasure to me. It is not at all a burden to work at the deli. We love to work together and, most of all, we love to be there for people. I love the life that I live; I couldn't ask for anything greater."

Anava Cleveland

"Greetings my name is Kalah. I'm 18-years-old and so happy to be working hard at the Yellow Deli with all of my friends. We all work together there for one common purpose. We love God with all of our hearts and we love each other and we love to be together. I just arrived in Chattanooga three months ago. I came from our community in California to experience and learn how to work in the delis. In Vista,
California we are building a Yellow Deli from the ground up. I would love to work there.

We have a purpose and a reason to be alive. I'm so thankful to be living for something real and not just working a 9-5 job, then going home and watching TV. I'm so honored to follow God and because we've experienced the love of God poured out into our hearts, all we want to do is extend that love to all those around us.

So, that's why we build delis and work in them. We want to be there for people who need love and hope. All we want to do is love and serve the God who gave everything for us. We want to give all we have to Him and those around us."

Kalah Delozier

"Hi, I'm Rose. You've probably seen me behind the Mate' Factor bar in the Yellow Deli. I'm 51 and I've probably served you 32 years ago in the Brainerd Deli, or the Areopagus or the Downtown Deli-or maybe in was the Old Schoolhouse Restaurant in Nova Scotia or the Common Ground Café in St
Jospeh, Mo. or Boston or Hyannis, Ma. We've been given a love so great, so deep, so vast that all we want to do offer it to you. I'm thankful that I have such a great purpose. I was sick of the loneliness and emptiness and futility of life in the world. I want my life to bring glory to God as long as I have my being. Sometimes my friends call me "Deli Rose" because over 30 years ago I came up with that sandwich. I hope you come in and enjoy one."

Rose Beane

Thanks to the fellow who wrote the letter June 21 so that we could be moved to respond.

Jean Wiseman

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