Wolfe Says Wamp Should Abide By Term Limit, PAC Pledges

  • Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Democratic congressional candidate John Wolfe said incumbent Third District Congressman Zach Wamp should live up to pledges on term limits and on accepting PAC money.

He said, "Congressman Wamp, you pledged to serve only six two year terms and take no PAC money. You said your pledge did not apply to your fundraising for a U.S. Senate run. But now that you are withdrawing from the 2006 U.S. Senate Race, I am asking you to do three things:

"1. Return the PAC money that you promised never to take;

"2. Return the thousands you have paid to your wife to collect PAC money;

"3. Announce to your constituents whether you will keep your pledge to serve only six U.S. House terms. This request is based on the shrinking premise that you will be reelected this year.

"These issues need to be addressed before November 2004 so that the voters can make an informed choice this fall."

Rep. Wamp has not made an announcement on whether or not he plans to run for Senate. He said recently he had raised over $1 million toward a Senate race in 2006.

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